Monday, September 16, 2013

Ozzie's in Fairfax corner

Today is Saturday and usually at my house, we go eat on weekend.
But recently my 2years old skip nap, so we prefer to go at lunch 
to avoid him to nap late afternoon in a car.

So we decided to go Ozzie's for lunch. My kids love this restaurant.

This is table. They serve water in carafe, so you can refill anytime. 

This is their famous bread (kind of donuts). They serve with suger or without suger. I should ask but I think with suger at lunch and without at dinner. I prefer without because if kids eat this, they won't eat meal... because these are so yummy!

At front, they let kids to use this. This is a good entertain for kids.

inside of Restaurant. This restaurant is one of the Great American Restaurant group.
Inside id always nice and elegant. Good place to go with friends or date for dinner!

I forgot to take any other pics of food. This is the pasta I ordered. 
But we got a little confusion...

I ordered my favorite "Penne Primavera"($12 for lunch) but I asked to have Tagliatelle instad of Penne. 
When Server brought mine, It was penne. So I told him and he brought it back to kitchen. Different server brought completely different pasta. It was "Tagliatelle Meatball"($12 for lunch)...
But this time, the server asked me what was my order. I told him I ordered "Penne Ptimavera but with Tagliatelle instead of penne". He understood and went to kitchen. Meantime, Maneger came to me and apologized me  about wrong order and asked me if I need something while waiting my food since other my family member were already eating. I told her I don't need anything. 
I was impressed by those apology and service. Usually if server brings wrong food, they just go back and bring right one. I thought there service if occurred only high-end restaurant.
And just a couple minutes later, finally my food came and I had great lunch.

Then check came. They removed my order from our check. I must say I had BEST service at this restaurant today. It was away more than I was expected and I'm so impressed.
I have to show my respect when they show me one. So I left about same amount of my order plus 20% tip(total is about 50% of bill)! I left with smile and 100% satisfy!

I highly recommend this restaurant for adult only or with kids. They have one of the best kid's pizza in town. my kid loves it! I'll take a pic next time when we went.


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