Monday, March 10, 2014

It's been a long time...

Hi there!

I was so busy and forgot about this blog...

But decided to write again so hopefully you can see more post soon!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

VERY disappointed cake from Whole Foods...

I had to have a cake today because it's my kid's B-day.
He doesn't like cake, but even so we need to have a cake to sing a song.
Especially if you have 2 years old like me, He need to know what we do on Birthday.

So, I went Wegmans first. We are very picky about cake. No one like butter cream cake, my daughter likes chocolate but not others, My oldest doesn't liket cake at all. My 2 years old didn't care because he doesn't know much about cake. Mu husband is not a cake person. I like strawberry cake.
I couldn't find any cake we like at Wegmans, so I decided to go Whole Foods because I knew they have a strawberry short cake.

So I got one, looks a little different then before but I didn't get the cake for at least a year, I thought they changed a little.

My 2years old enjoyed so much for singing B-day song and blow candles. Actually we all enjoyed the part. 
Then cake, When I cut the cake, I realize that sponges were so wet and strawberries are that fresh like last time. They used to make with fresh strawberries and didn't use any syrups thing but now syrups are everywhere! whipped cream was the best part of this cake. 

that's it! 

I'm so disappointed the cake. I usually share with my friend's family because we can't eat much.
(if you look at the pic, you will know how much we ate that night. only 1/4)
But I couldn't call her tonight because it's not that good...

If I got this cake from other grocery store, I may expect this quality, but not from Whole Foods.
Whole Foods must be the best at least fresh part.

Anyway, We are never ever ever EVER getting back together!


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Hair cut at Hair Story in Fairfax

My hair is typical asian hair.  Black, thick, heavy...

12years ago, I really needed to get hair cut, so I decided to go somewhere in Tysons mall.
I looked 3 salons. 1. cheep, 2. mediam and 3 a little expensive.
I picked 2. Hair cut is about $50.
I showed my pic and told her to do just like this. It's not difficult, just a semi long hair. But I had worst experience at there in my life. I cried when I got home...


I have to find salon since I don't go my Country so often and my friend told me this salon.

This salon, "Hair Story", right next to H-mart in Fairfax. My stylist is Chris. this salon is Korean owned. she is busy. you should call a couple days before you wanna go.

I usually get shampoo, cut and blow. It takes about  30min to finish!
And it just $30 plus tips.

I'm not so crazy about hair, I usually tell her how long I want to have and she cut whatever she thinks it's good for me. And I'm happy every time!

Hair Story
10700 Fairfax Blvd
Fairfax, va 22030

They Open from 9:30-7:30 everyday(I think).

Glory Days in Reston

Glory Days is not a fancy restaurant. It's not for good food but we go pretty often and I'll tell you why...

1.It's very close to my house. We will be at table 15min after we decided to go.
2. Inside is pretty loud. It's super great to bring noisy kids!

Inside, there are TVs everywhere so Daddy can watch football while kids enjoy cartoons.
And this is called "Macho Nacho"($6.99) and this is my favorite. This is half portion but great for 4 people.

This is new! and I think it's seasonal. "Chicago styles Hotdogs" 2 for $9.59.
Daddy said this was delicious!

This is my favorite. I order every time.
"Crispy Shrimp Tacos"$8.99
You can pick either Grilled chicken, Grilled fish or Crispy shrimp and also pick side too.

This is kids pasta.$3.99 Great price!

inside of restaurant. you can always find neighbors.

Oh Don't forget to buy giftcard at Costco. They sell $100 glory days giftcard for $79.


Saturday, September 28, 2013

How to pick kid's sports


I'll tell you how to pick sports for your kids today.
My 7th grade started soccer when he was 3. We started from "Daddy and Me soccer" to community organize soccer (like Reston youth association or Herndon Youth Soccer) until 6th grade.
He had an opportunity to tryout (usually around 3rd grade. Coach will tell you) for "travel team" which more serious then "house team", 2,3 times practice/week and games on weekend. They do year around.
Reason why he didn't do it because he started swim team when he was 3rd grade and I thought that was too much. So he continued to play in "house team" until 6th grade then he tried flag football one season.

So now, he swim 4times/week and that's it. He wanted to play soccer again but I said "Let's skip fall season because we don't know how hard the middle school life". He seems manage school life and swimming which is good.

Soccer is a great sports. Because the game finish based on time. Practice is 1hour to 1.5 hour long, games are 1hour long. That's it!
But baseball is not. they finish when game is over. I think for little kids, they have 2 or 3 hours time limit but still you have to be there and cheer for your kid for 2,3 hours. If you have a little one like me and your husband is working late or travel a lot like mine, then it's hell. The game won't finish until 8pm or later even kids are 2nd or 3rd grade.

So if you don't mind what kind sports your kids play, I highly recommend the sports has a time limit!

How about swimming?
It's a great sports. We started to take swim lesson when he was 6months. Just because we wanted kids to be not afraid of water, wanted kids to know water safety. Then we got a house, got membership of pool nearby and they have summer swim team. So he joined swim team when he was 6. It was great!
he swim everyday, they have meet on Sat and Mon. And he joined year around swim team when he was 8. Swimming is great sports until...5th or 6th grade.
Here the DC area is one of most competitive area for swimming. NCAP had many olympians and PVS(potomac valley swimming) is one of smallest area but we have most swimmers in North East.(I think) Once kids become older, practice will start ridiculously early. My son's team's morning practice start at 4:30am until 6am, so high schooler can go school on time.

4:30am! is not morning to me. That's still middle of night. Because if practice start at 4:30am, kids need to be there at 4:20, that means they need to get up around 3:45am depend of how far the practice pool is.

So if you or your kid are not morning person, swimming may not good for your family...

Do you think "Oh, it's ok, my kid can pick whatever he/she wants to play"?


If you want your kid to play the sports at high school, your kid probably need to start 3rd or 4th grade.
Because you are living in one of most competitive area in this country!


This is a my opinion base on my experience.  So don't panic! it will be all right.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Ozzie's in Fairfax corner

Today is Saturday and usually at my house, we go eat on weekend.
But recently my 2years old skip nap, so we prefer to go at lunch 
to avoid him to nap late afternoon in a car.

So we decided to go Ozzie's for lunch. My kids love this restaurant.

This is table. They serve water in carafe, so you can refill anytime. 

This is their famous bread (kind of donuts). They serve with suger or without suger. I should ask but I think with suger at lunch and without at dinner. I prefer without because if kids eat this, they won't eat meal... because these are so yummy!

At front, they let kids to use this. This is a good entertain for kids.

inside of Restaurant. This restaurant is one of the Great American Restaurant group.
Inside id always nice and elegant. Good place to go with friends or date for dinner!

I forgot to take any other pics of food. This is the pasta I ordered. 
But we got a little confusion...

I ordered my favorite "Penne Primavera"($12 for lunch) but I asked to have Tagliatelle instad of Penne. 
When Server brought mine, It was penne. So I told him and he brought it back to kitchen. Different server brought completely different pasta. It was "Tagliatelle Meatball"($12 for lunch)...
But this time, the server asked me what was my order. I told him I ordered "Penne Ptimavera but with Tagliatelle instead of penne". He understood and went to kitchen. Meantime, Maneger came to me and apologized me  about wrong order and asked me if I need something while waiting my food since other my family member were already eating. I told her I don't need anything. 
I was impressed by those apology and service. Usually if server brings wrong food, they just go back and bring right one. I thought there service if occurred only high-end restaurant.
And just a couple minutes later, finally my food came and I had great lunch.

Then check came. They removed my order from our check. I must say I had BEST service at this restaurant today. It was away more than I was expected and I'm so impressed.
I have to show my respect when they show me one. So I left about same amount of my order plus 20% tip(total is about 50% of bill)! I left with smile and 100% satisfy!

I highly recommend this restaurant for adult only or with kids. They have one of the best kid's pizza in town. my kid loves it! I'll take a pic next time when we went.


Sunday, September 15, 2013

La Madeleine in Reston

My 2years old started preschool. Yay!
But it's only 70min each in first week... So I decided to go La Madeleine to have quite breakfast by myself. I don't need to think about kids at all. so I can pick whatever I want! That's great...

I ordered cappuccino. That was foamy and  tasty.

And Crepe Romanoff. I can't imagine from the name of menu but online menu says 
"Topped with fresh strawberries, our signature brandy sour cream sauce and cinnamon".
 It was so delicious!

inside restaurant. Most of restaurant (or Should I say Cafe?) are same. It looks like a restaurant in ski area for me. Cozy and warm.

these bread are free to eat. This is great idea if you have kids. Sometimes kids can't wait because the want eat NOW! 
so just grab a couple slice of bread and butter or jam, you and kids can have a happy meal.

right now, they are campaigning "No Kid Hungry". If you donate $5, they give you this coupon.

When I looked inside, I was surprised! It well worth more than $5.
you can have something every month until 1/31/14!
October- free petite Salade
November- Free a cup of soupe and free mini
December- a free specialty coffee and free pastry
January- Free jar of tomato basil soupe

All you have to do is... don't loose this coupon and bring it.

So It was about 30min breakfast but without kids, I have a great time all myself!